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  • profile By BCI
  • calender 22 February 2024

The journey of product packaging design services involves a detailed process from concept to shelf. Discover how expertly crafted packaging contributes to product success in the market.


Custom retail displays.

Product packaging design is a critical aspect of any product’s success in the market. It is the first thing that customers see and interact with, influencing their purchase decisions. The journey of product packaging design services involves a detailed process from concept to shelf.

In this blog, we will trace this journey, understand how expertly crafted packaging contributes to product success in the market, and explain how a partnership with Buckeye Corrugated, Inc., a leading packaging design company, can drive unparalleled success in packaging design.


The journey of product packaging design services begins with concept development. The packaging design team works with the product development team to understand the product’s key features and benefits. This understanding helps in creating a design concept that reflects the product’s unique selling proposition.

The concept development stage involves brainstorming, sketching, and ideation. The packaging design team creates multiple design concepts, exploring different shapes, colors, and materials.


Once the concept is finalized, the packaging structural design team moves to the design development stage. In this stage, the team creates detailed design specifications, including the design’s dimensions, color requirements, and materials.

The design development stage involves creating 3D models and prototypes of the packaging design. These models help in visualizing the packaging design and identifying any potential issues in the design.

The packaging design team also considers the manufacturing process in the design development stage. They ensure that the packaging design is easy to produce and cost-effective.


Once the packaging design is finalized, the packaging design team moves to the testing and refinement stage. In this stage, the team tests the packaging design to ensure that it meets the product’s specs.

The testing and refinement stage involves various tests, including drop tests, vibration tests, and compression tests. The packaging design team uses the results of these tests to refine the packaging design and make any necessary modifications.


Once the packaging design is finalized, tested, and refined, the packaging design team moves to the manufacturing and production stage. In this stage, the display design and manufacturing teams work in tandem to ensure that the packaging design is produced to the required specifications.

The manufacturing and production stage involves creating the packaging design in large quantities. The packaging design team ensures that the packaging design is produced cost-effectively and to the required quality standards.


Once the packaging design is manufactured and produced, it moves to the packaging and distribution stage. In this stage, the packaging design is filled with the product and prepared for distribution. This step can be done separately, or brands can save time and money by consolidating the process with contract packaging services that assemble the product into finished packaging.

The packaging and distribution stage involves ensuring that the packaging design meets all the necessary labeling and regulatory requirements. The packaging design team also ensures that the packaging design is easy to transport and store.


Expertly crafted packaging plays a critical role in a product’s success in the market. It is the first thing that customers see and interact with, influencing their purchase decisions. Well-designed packaging creates a positive first impression and reflects the product’s unique selling proposition.

The best packaging is designed to provide functional benefits, including protecting the product during transportation and storage. It ensures that the product arrives at the customer in the best possible condition.


Elevate your brand with BCI’s expert package design services. Our seasoned team combines creativity with precision to craft packaging solutions that stand out on the shelf and protect your products throughout the supply chain. From conceptualization to execution, we deliver innovative designs tailored to your unique needs and branding goals.

As an experienced corrugated package manufacturer, we can help you unlock the power of compelling packaging that drives consumer engagement and boosts your bottom line.

Contact us today to get started.